How to Balance Your Life While Maintaining Grades

“How to Balance Your Life While Maintaining Grades” was a guest post contributed by Brittany Cotton. If you would like to contribute your own guest post, then please submit the form below.

Joining college is an exciting time in one’s life, but it’s vital to learn how to balance your life while maintaining grades. We all know about the college life stereotypes such as partying and having fun with friends. It’s normal to look forward to this time, however, achieving your academic goals is the ultimate goal of college. How, then do you manage your college life while also keeping up your grades? Find out how below.

Avoid Procrastination

We’ve all done this before and sometimes ended up not accomplishing our intended goal. Procrastination could lead to a spiral of failure. The worst part is that your tasks keep piling up and eventually become too overwhelming to complete.

From Giphy

A great way to deal with this is to break up your tasks into small bits and make a plan to accomplish them. The biggest challenge will be having the discipline to follow your plan. You can have your plan around the least active hours of your day. This will help you avoid distractions that will derail your whole plan.

Avoid Multi-Tasking

Multi-tasking may work sometimes, but overall it’s not a great idea. When multitasking, you actually end up taking more time to complete a single task. Also, multi-tasking takes up a lot of your energy therefore, you may not complete all your tasks. It’s way better to focus on one task at a time and have it done. This will also help you keep track of your progress. Be sure to take breaks from time to time to re-energize and avoid fatigue.

Set Goals

Goals are important to keep you motivated. However, long-term goals can be hard to continue striving for, and you could find yourself quitting while being on the journey. Therefore, breaking them down may be the best method to provide you that immediate feedback to keep you motivated.

You can have semester goals then further break them down into monthly, weekly and finally daily goals. Doing this helps you leverage on the power of compounding. The small actions will add up overtime and you’ll be surprised at how much you achieve overtime.

use a goal breakdown for how to balance your life and maintain your grades
Goal Breakdown

Know Your Limits

Individuality is something almost all college students struggle with. It is easy to get swept by the crowd and under- or overestimate your abilities sometimes. This could derail your progress on campus and sometimes could cause unnecessary distractions.

Whether it partying, reading, or attending school events. It is important to know your limits and, above all, stick to them. This will ensure you stick to your schedule and also will help avoid procrastination. Individuality is what makes all of us intriguing, so know yourself and stick to your limits.

Look After Yourself

It’s easy to get caught up in your schedule and forget to take care of yourself. Functioning while fatigued can prove futile. You need to work while at your best. Therefore come up with a schedule that’s balanced and allows you to take some time to unwind and have breaks from time to time.

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Also, mind your diet and ensure you eat right. This will go a long way in boosting your morale and supporting your overall health. Remember, a healthy mind and body produce the best results. Plus, most likely, you are not living with your parents anymore, so you are solely responsible for your well-being.

Make Friends

five women laughing
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Friends are important in life.This goes for college as well. You need friends to help you out with recommendations, and also as study buddies. Having friends will also be important, so you have a support base. They will be there to cheer you on and also offer you solid advice. Try to make friends with whom your goals align. This will help you achieve your goals much easily. Also, try making friends with students that are ahead of you. They will give you important insights into campus life, and you can always learn from their mistakes. This will help you avoid pitfalls since you know what to look out for.

Keep in Touch With Family

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Whether you’re a state away from home or close to home, it’s easy to drift away from family. Campus life is full of activities and assignments that need to be accomplished. It is therefore easy to get caught up and forget to touch base with family from time to time.

Create time in your schedule to have a call or even better visit home. This is important so you remember where you’ve come from and what is expected. This will help you stay focused at school and will keep you grounded.


Campus life is fun and full of activities. It’s important to have fun, but by learning how to balance your life while maintaining your grades, you will also be able to achieve your academic goals. These tips will go along way in helping you become a well-rounded student.

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